The Journey to Becoming High Alchemists
The Academy of Alchemy is not just another website,; rather it represents the fulfillment of destiny on the part of Ciara and myself.
From Ciara’s visionary experiences of what was to emerge between us…the possibility of opening the Door to Heaven on Earth, we attempted something 7 years ago, but it was not yet time. We both realized we had much inner work to do to prepare for this future possibility of higher destiny. And here we are, 7 years later, with the website emerging quite effortlessly in terms of our alchemically leveraged collaboration, yet of course with a whole lot of effort in the details of the work.
So for us, the birth of the Academy of Alchemy very much heralds the time where all our study and exploration around the teachings of the Seer Almine takes root in the material world…it can now ‘land’ in body as power to manifest, and in our lives as carefully crafted expressions of devotion to the Infinite Source of Existence.
Ciara has held as question, how to live from high alchemy, in such a state of alive oneness and limitlessness, that all life is supportive and celebratory of our lavish use of Infinite’s resources and magic…and the more we express from our unique, boundless being, the more responsive and evolved all of life becomes! Then relationships in life — with all lifeforms — becomes sacred temples of self-discovery and self-delight!
For my part, the question has always been, how to embody in a vehicle of Consciousness such that we create life as we feel and intend it…how to embody in the true body of a High Alchemist that is the pivot point for all life. Then ‘life’ becomes the sacred vessel that nurtures All That Is…ready to receive our next ’emergence’ that pushes the edge of possibility.
We both knew that our quests were about re-membering ‘what is‘ and ‘what we are‘, and we were both driven by an unstoppable impetus. And the Academy of Alchemy is the initiative birthed of this collaboration, where we explore and share the journey of living high alchemy, in a state of heightened aliveness and celebration of magic, and embodying in the true body that creates effortlessly, automatically in accordance to how we feel and intend. And that is the body expressed as a fluid field of coagulated White Light, ever renewing in the Fluid Geometry of Wholeness that ‘lands’ our multi-dimensional vastness.
Our quests in perfect alchemical convergence at the precise time that the Cosmos has entered into a new theme of exploration (1), brings us to the clarity and alchemical tools needed to spiritualize matter to become incorruptible, holy, and aware — the substance of Oneness that responds to aligned intent. We are ascending in bodies of incorruptibility, to take back the Earth our Home, and the map of the true Dream of Oneness and the paths to enter it have been revealed.
It is our hope that all who feel called to these materials find what they seek, to fulfill their best next step on their unique journey of awakening to true being. And also, that this website is experienced as a sacred haven and place of sanity and truth, a source of endless discoveries of what you are and what is possible.

(1) As of December 31st 2022, the Seer shared that the Cosmos entered into a completely new cycle of evolution that was exploring a new theme, such that everything ‘inverted’, and outer space becomes a holographic creation within our inner space. The theme of the old cosmos of separation was about exploring ‘what we are not’ in a ‘mirrored’ reality that reflects opposite…the dream of separation is no longer supported as something to explore. The new theme presently, which is what we refer to as the ‘real‘, and the ‘Dream of the Infinite‘, is to explore ‘what we are’ in a reality of ‘what is’.
Life will always be dream as there is only the One Being in Existence, but it becomes an engaging, beautiful, and ever new experience that we never want to have end when it is in a reality that coaxes from us, the expression of our true, boundless and unfathomable Selves.
Exiting journey indeed. Thank you for your inspiration and support.
So exciting thank you 🙏🏽