Options to jump in to live support:

Adventures in Boundlessness
Anita’s Monthly membership offering, consisting of daily written messages and other alchemical inclusions as inspired that go deep into the metaphysics of this new time. Providing guidance and glimpses into a new reality emerging on the horizon that is the cutting-edge of evolutionary possibility. Ideal for those who want to immerse in the advanced metaphysics in daily doses that gain momentum as things are integrated and embodied in bite-size pieces.
The daily messages form the basis for the programs offered later, and participants are then perfectly poised to fully integrate the next cutting-edge inner body technology toward becoming ever more powerful Crystalline Capacitors of Infinite Intent.
You can join at anytime, and jump into the current daily stream, and if you need to gain greater context, you have access to the themes explored in prior months and years (the information is timeless). So you can join to follow the daily cutting-edge offerings, and go back to study meridians, higher function of the chakras, inner family, goddess archetypes, and much more.
Current Theme being explored:
** The 12 Triangulations of Hope — Living the Bridge of No Space and No Time (duration– from March to roughly end of May) — These activate the 12 Ordinary Meridians, the Androgynous Archetypes of Fullness, and the 8 + 4 Extraordinary Meridians — Flows of Source, so that we engage and manifest life from outside of the atomic grid of man…outside of spacetime.
Bringers of Hope
Ciara’s monthly membership offering for entrainment to a higher life of joyous co-creative soul fulfilment and mastery, in support of the mission of the Ancient Ones. Consisting of at least bi-monthly live calls, an extensive library of training materials, and pop-up events as inspired. Ideal for those who would like to be actively immersed in live community and attend live calls with other Lightbearers.
Live sessions with Anita
Anita’s great joy is the application of complex metaphysics into practical activation of body-level shifts through emotional alchemy. And she has found that the best way to stay true on the quest to deeply embody our higher dimensional aspects such that the metaphysics is made ‘to grow corn’, is through working one-on-one with clients. It is her grateful privilege to do so, as she can sense the potentials for transfiguration in clients, and through her years of deep exploration of the etheric level through which life emerges and her own body activation, is able to transmit this in session work through entrainment.
She has opened up sessions for new clients, starting mid-May. You can book single sessions or in blocks of three. Use the link below to book a session, and you’ll receive an email soon after with more details.
Join our free community
Not an active community space right now, but a place you can come to to ask questions about anything related to our exploration through the journey we are sharing on this platform. We may sometimes be able to answer questions directly, and other times we will use your questions to create support resources and materials to be shared widely. Click here.