Explore Our Expansive Temple Offerings

The Academy of Alchemy is an online mystery school dedicated to the Infinite Mother, her teachings and the remembrance of her presence upon the precious jewel of a planet that is our beloved Earth.

We are beyond privileged to share with you magical tools and resources to support the graceful and joyous emergence of the new reality that is beckoning.

We offer training programs, products, activation tools and initiatory journeys to support the experience of awakening from the dreams of old into profound new worlds of mystical depth and power beyond imagining.

Join us on a journey of magnificent exploration of what lies beyond the boundaries of the human paradigm, where the freedom you have sought for aeons lies in waiting…


    join us on a journey of epic discovery of Tools beyond compare...

    In the distant past, highly evolved civilisations thrived because they had the tools of the Infinite Mother by their side. Our dedication is to restoring these tools into the hands of those who can wield them at this time of the turning of the tide. 

    Come with us on a journey of discovery of ancient and new technologies to dissolve the dream of separation and set yourself free from the matrix of illusions, delivering inconceivable empowerment and setting your life on a trajectory beyond your wildest imaginings.

    Our Parners: